All the flash and dash of newgrounds is pretty cool but unfortunely as an author of Newgrounds I am pretty much done with just straight flash projects.
If you followed any of my Unforgotten Realms series, it should be pretty clear that I love all the guys of Newgrounds here and think this is a fantastic site but because my cartoons are slowly going from hobby to business, I'm not exactly sure I can keep Newgrounds a home for my work in the future. Flash is a very fickle problem and I have started more and more to move away from using flash or just flash, making movies in AVI formats is a lot easier to sync sounds and allows me to use editing techniques I can't do in flash or rather can't do as easy and while I would love to be able to keep my series and upcoming series on Newgrounds, it might not just be a possibility if the final output of the movie isn't a .swf file.
I'll say it again so as people don't assume I'm trying to take a hit at Newgrounds but I love this site. I have been coming here since I was underaged and there was a cool disclaimer that I would have to click to come here. When the best game on the internet was Teletubbies and blowing people up with a UFO. However, as much as I love Newgrounds, theres a bit I dislike. It was pretty frustrating to see Splash Attack doing better then anything else I have ever created on this website. It's great splash attack got some attention but I mean a movie I literally spent 3 hours on getting the attention I would die for my series to get just kinda hurts my will to want to continue producing a .swf series for Newgrounds. I mean hey theres a ton of fans that love it and all but I mean I just can't see myself trying to be extremely devoted to releasing free content on Newgrounds when the major community of the website doesn't really like the cartoon.
If you follow any of my work you may have saw what happened when I submitted my first ever YouTube video. I made a short film called Jimmy: The World of Warcraft story couple months back. It was a quick piece I thought up one day and the next day was submitted. Well literally overnight that movie generated more views then every single episode of my Unforgotten Realm series combined over a year. It's great for that movie but just like Splash Attack it's discouraging for series. I don't know, I'm sort of ranting right now because of how disappointed I am overall with my work. It's pretty frustrating to spend a lot of time on one piece but have something else get even more attention.
Anyway, I love Newgrounds to death but as long as this website glorifies the fads rather then it's series and original content, I can't see myself having that urge to want to make movies. Websites like Newgrounds will explode in the near future as television and internet merge into one and I just hope they get on the ball of being that sort of "Original Internet Movie" site before missing another myspace/youtube concept.
-Rob (PS I didn't reread or spell check this fags)
Hey Rob, I understand what you're saying, just know that there are still us loving fans out there that have followed Unforgotten Realms from the start. I've been wondering for a while when you were going to release the next episode. I love your work and hope to see more of it. I'll be looking out for ya! Good luck in whatever you choose to do.